Book & Guide

60-Day Year-End Fundraising Plan For Nonprofits (2022)

Importance of Year-End Fundraising

As the end of the year nears, the “fun” part of a fundraiser’s job begins to rear its head. As we all know, our jobs as fundraisers are never done. But as soon as pumpkins start gracing our doorsteps, most nonprofits are just beginning to ramp up their fundraising.

Why is the end of the year the most popular time for fundraising?

Because people give more during November and December than they do the rest of the year. In fact, people are both thinking AND acting charitably. 

In 2021, charitable giving reached $484.85 billion, a 4% increase from 2020. Plus, over 30% of total annual giving occurs in December (with a whopping 12% happening during the last 3 days of the year!)

At CauseVox, we definitely notice an uptick in campaigns across all sectors in September and October as nonprofits begin to ramp up their fundraising efforts. We understand that this is a stressful time for many organizations and we’re dedicated to making the year-end fundraising season as easy as possible for you. 

How To Use This Plan

Use the plan outlined here to formulate a year-end fundraising plan specific to your nonprofit or charity. After reviewing the guide, use the included checklist and communications plan to get started planning for your nonprofit’s 60-day fundraising push.

This plan features a step-by-step guide on how to:

  • Set year-end fundraising goals
  • Determine what fundraiser to run for year-end
  • Craft a compelling fundraising appeal
  • Find your audience for your campaign
  • Formulate a communications plan via email marketing & social media
  • plus a 60 day checklist!

Download your 60-Day Year-End Fundraising Plan Below

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